Drafting A Career

[The following was copied and pasted from GPT-4 after I fed it a transcript of a 3 minute ramble I had recorded while walking just now and asked it to turn it into a 2000 word blog in the style of Morgan Housel]

[[I'm not terribly happy with how this turned out, too chopped up, think my custom instructions are messing it up]]

A Drafting Job That Turned into Lessons for a Lifetime

I. An Unexpected Start: The Drafting Position

Life often doesn’t follow the plans we lay out. It takes unexpected turns, leading us down paths that teach us lessons more valuable than we could have ever imagined. 

I was in a transition phase, equipped with a degree in architectural engineering and a mind filled with dreams but struggling to find a job in a competitive market. Then the unexpected happened: I was offered an AutoCAD drafter position with SolarCity.

A. The Decision to Accept

The job wasn't exactly what I had been seeking. But it was a foot in the door, an opportunity in a growing industry of solar energy, and a chance to move to California, a place burgeoning with optimism and potential.

The lesson here? Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith and grab an opportunity, even if it doesn’t seem perfect.

II. Growth and Progression: From Drafter to Project Manager

Once in the door, I didn't stay still. The position, which began as a drafting job, evolved quickly.

A. A Rapid Progression

In a whirlwind of six months, I moved from drafting to team lead, and then another six months saw me designing systems for people's homes. 

B. Unique Opportunities

A special team dealing with a variety of roles, including project management, customer service, and design, led me to work on a massive project with the U.S. military to retrofit military bases with solar rooftops.

The key takeaway? Growth comes quickly when you seize opportunities and embrace the chance to learn and adapt.

III. Process Evolution and Efficiency: Finding Ways to Do Better

Work isn’t just about what you do; it’s about how you do it.

A. The Challenge of Scaling

Working on 500+ homes with repetitive designs, we were faced with the need to streamline our process. This wasn't just about getting the job done but doing it efficiently and effectively.

B. Learning from Experience

The experience taught me the importance of thinking ahead, being proactive, and continually finding ways to improve the process.

IV. Beyond Solar: Transferring Skills to Teaching

The skills I acquired in those five years extended beyond the engineering and solar field.

A. Moving to a New Role

I left SolarCity and ventured into a new world – teaching. But what surprised me was how seamlessly the skills I had gained transferred into the classroom.

B. Skills That Transcend Job Titles

Managing people, communicating clearly, adapting to different scenarios, and being consistent and reliable – these were things that had shaped me at SolarCity and continued to guide me as a teacher.

V. The Big Picture: Lessons in Life and Work

The story isn't just about a job in solar energy or a transition to teaching. It’s about much more profound and universally applicable lessons.

A. Embracing the Unexpected

Life doesn't always present us with the exact opportunities we seek. But accepting something unexpected may lead to growth and lessons you never anticipated.

B. Continuous Growth

Don't be afraid to evolve, to move from one role to another, or even from one industry to another. What you learn in one place can often translate into valuable skills elsewhere.

C. The Importance of Efficiency

Understanding how to do things efficiently is a skill that goes beyond any particular job. It’s about thinking creatively, being proactive, and finding ways to do things better.

D. The Transferable Nature of Skills

Skills are often more transferable than we realize. The management and communication skills I honed in solar energy were just as applicable in a classroom setting.

VI. Conclusion: A Journey Worth Taking

That job as a drafter with SolarCity turned out to be more than a job. It was a journey filled with lessons about adaptability, growth, efficiency, and the unexpected ways skills can transfer from one part of life to another.

As with any journey, the path was filled with twists and turns, surprises and insights. But looking back, it all makes sense. Each step taught me something valuable, each challenge shaped me a little more, and each success gave me the confidence to move forward.

What might seem like just a career move or a simple job decision can sometimes be a profound learning experience. You just have to be open to the lessons life is offering. Sometimes, it's the unexpected paths that lead to the most enlightening destinations.